The Norwegian Society of Radiographers
The Norwegian Society of Radiographers is both a society and a trade union for Norwegian Radiographers and has approximately 3.500 members.
The Societys vision and purpose is to unite radiographers together in one union, which can promote and encourage progress and development for this specific radiographic profession.
The Society's intention is to protect the interests of its members, as well as protecting and tending to members renumeration and work situation, based on the rules and regulations provided by all parties, such as The Government, the employers organisations and others.
The Norwegian Society of Radiographers have union representatives, at every workplaces/environment, who strives to assist employees in their work situation. The Norwegian Society of Radiographers has also a regional network, which serves in solving employment issues and negotiations in the regions.
Each member is offered the following services by becoming a member of The Norwegian Society
of Radiographers:
Legal assistance and advice in their employment situation
Discounts on private legal services, such as divorce, inheritance, real-estate etc.
Affordable courses as well as priority on courses
The magazine Hold Pusten
The right to take part and influence decision at their own workplace
Collective life and accident insurance
Information and updates regarding their profession
Local salary negotiations
Service and assistance from the local union representative
The local union representative is a great help in the workplace and is there to support and assist members of the association, when they are in difficulty at work or need guidance in a difficult situation. They also provide information regarding education, courses and help in solving problems with work schedules etc.
The fee is deducted directly from the members pay and is as of today 1,45 % of their base salary, before tax without extra hours.
Membership in Unio
The Norwegian Society of Radiographers are members of Unio (The Confederation of Unions for Professionals). Which is politically independent and actively participates in labour policy, with a broad societal engagement. Focusing on ensuring that public services are provided at the highest level of quality, which depends on more funding for services, increased use of qualified personnel, and better wages based on education and skill. Unio is also a driving force for keeping a larger portion of the population employed and making sure that employment facilitates inclusion and equality. Learn more about Unio