European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
Level 7 Benchmarking Document: RadiographersThe purpose of the document is to serve as point of reference and benchmark for educational institutions, employers and professional bodies.
The European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) was founded in 2008 and currently
represents in excess of 100,000 radiographers and 8,000 student radiographers across Europe through
38 national societies, and 54 educational institutions and 1 trade union. According to Article 2 of the
EFRS Constitution, the role of the EFRS is to:
“represent, promote and develop the profession of radiography in Europe, within the whole
range of medical imaging, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy and moreover everything that is
directly or indirectly related or beneficial to this role, everything in the broadest meaning.” [1]
In order to be recognised under the EFRS definition of a Radiographer [2], the level of Knowledge, Skills
and Competence of a radiographer should be at Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework
(EQF) [3,4], which is equivalent to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Qualifications Framework
Bachelor level [5]. For this purpose the EFRS definition is:
“Radiographers are medical imaging and radiotherapy experts who are professionally
accountable to the patients’ physical and psychosocial well being, prior to, during and following
examinations or therapy; take an active role in justification and optimisation of medical imaging
and radiotherapeutic procedures; are key-persons in radiation safety of patients and third
persons in accordance with the “As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)” principle and
relevant legislation.” [2]
Purpose of this document
The purpose of the document is to serve as point of reference and benchmark for educational institutions,
employers and professional bodies. The document is not intended to impose curricular content on
educational institutions, but it may serve as a benchmark to institutions that currently offer, or are in the
process of developing, Radiography educational programmes at EQF Level 7. This document may also
serve to promote mobility and to facilitate and encourage lifelong learning in keeping with the aims of
the EFRS.
It also takes into account the requirement for European educational institutions to be socially responsible
to educate radiographers so that they may work, not only across Europe, but within a globalised
healthcare sector. Therefore there is a requirement to educate highly skilled healthcare professionals
who are capable of making a considerable contribution to the wellbeing of a population by being able
to adapt and work in different countries and different healthcare systems.
This is echoed in Article 2 of the EFRS Constitution which references the development of European
standards of professional practice, the harmonisation of the initial and postgraduate education, and the
facilitation of free movement of radiographers [1].
Read the full document here:
2016.11 EQF Level 7 Benchmarking Document - Radiographers
AGM 2016 EQF Level 6 Evaluation and Update